Thinking about beginner stock market investing? Do you want to learn more about basics of equity markets for beginners? Then you have to be prepared to spend some time studying materials for beginners. Only studying good teaching materials like books, videos or other relevant material could provide enough information about the stock market for a beginner.
Do not try to avoid some learning processes if you are a beginner. Investing in shares is not an easy task and you can lose all your money very quickly. It is a business activity as other business activities that should make money. If you want to do it as a hobby only, then expect to spend a lot of money and not earn anything significant from investing in shares.
All professionals who do a tough job have spent a lot of time in school to learn. Doctors, lawyers, biochemists – they all learned a lot. So you also have to look for some beginner guide for investment in markets and stocks. Only educated investors or traders can beat stock market professionals and make money by stock market investing or trading.
Good books with basics of stock market for beginners
A very good source of basic knowledge and investing tips about equity markets is good books. Unfortunately there are plenty of different titles for every beginner to choose from. These books could describe different issues of beginner investing in markets and a stocks.
Here I would like to show you some titles that are good for any individual beginner investor who wants to start learning stock market investing. These are really good starting books for beginner stock market investing basics.
The Intelligent Investor,
Author: Benjamin Graham
This is an important book that has to be read by every investor who plans to use a not-so-active approach to the market. This book is more about long-term investing, although this does not mean that it is about being passive.

Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets
Author: Van Tharp
This books is a very good as it describes all steps necessary for creation of a best stock investing and trading plan for investing in the stock market for beginners

Beyond Candlesticks: New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed
Author: Nison, Steve
This is a “must read” book to learn the basics of candlestick charting. The reading of stock charts is essential knowledge for beginners investing in the market and stocks.

Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom
Author: Van Tharp
The must-read book for traders and investors. This book is huge. 500 pages. But it is worth reading. One of the best books for beginner stock market investing education. It will show you how to improve your trading or investing process to generate much more money.
Other very relevant books that are valuable for learning stock market for beginners
I would like to add some books that could provide you with interesting ideas and opinions that should help you to make better decisions for investing in the stock market.
The Little Book of Bull’s Eye Investing: Finding Value, Generating Absolute Returns, and Controlling Risk in Turbulent Markets (Little Books. Big Profits)
Author: John F. Mauldin
Where to find next possible winners for your portfolio ? Check this book by the famous John Mauldin. I like his ideas and thoughts a lot.

This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
Authors:Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff
We hear these words quite often “This Time Is Different”. But as this book shows you it’s not true. This book describes many financial crises around the world over the past centuries and shows important lessons that should be learned.
It is not so hard to start beginner stock market investing learning and create your personal stock investing plan that will lead you to reach your investing goals. You can do it. Just remember that the education is an important first step in this process.
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