There are really a lot of ETF funds available these days. It can be complicated for traders or investors to select the right one for their needs. Here is the list of ETF funds families I noticed.
iShares is the world’s largest family of exchange traded funds. It offers a broad range of funds covering almost every part of the financial markets in US and internationally. This family is part of BlackRock group.

ishares IYE ETF
SPDR Funds are provided by State Street Global Advisors. They are well known exchange traded funds. The most popular are shares tracking major US sectors, from Retailers (XRT) to HomeBuilders (XHB). But the family is much wider and it is possible to find many international and bond ETFs as well.

Spdrs spy ETF
Invesco PowerShares is another broad group of exchange traded funds that can be used for different trading and investing strategies. The most popular fund is the QQQ – Nasdaq 100 index tracking shares. The PowerShares Company offers also very good list of commodity based funds.

powershares DBE ETF
ProShares is a company that offers quite unique products. They specialize in inverse and leveraged ETFs. Their offering also includes very specific funds like Inflation and volatility ETFs. These special funds can be used for unique trading and investing strategies.
Guggenheim Investment Company acquired Rydex ETFs some time ago and consolidates the portfolio of offered exchange traded products. This family includes specific CurrencyShares that are used to track currency movement for major world currencies against US Dollar. Some alternative energy ETFs are also offered by this family of funds.
Vanguard is a well known investment company offering mutual funds since 1976. When ETF started to gain popularity during past years this company expanded its offering and created also exchange traded funds. The list of vanguard ETFs is wide, it offers more than 60 exchange traded products. They cover the U.S. stock market as well as international markets including bond markets.
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- The most interesting PowerShares etf securities
- ETF trading system for short proshares etfs
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